Truck Scania information and all details about it

In general : Truck Scania can be identified from the following numbers:

Location : Truck Scania  identification  number– stamped on the vehicle- on the type plate (factory plate) . Cab number– on the type plate (factory plate) . Engine Number– on the engine block . Truck Scania Gearbox Number– on the gearbox


Truck Scania Identification Number:

 Location of Truck Scania VIN

Truck Scania

Truck Scania

Truck Scania vin Lettering

The Truck Scania vin is stamped in capital letters. The letters are at least 7 mm high.

The Truck Scania has two rows and has a ‘+’ sign at the end. Various lettering styles (fonts) are possible depending on the works and the type.


Truck Scania

Truck Scania Truck Scania Truck Scania Truck Scania

Truck Scania vin breakdown

Truck Scania type plate:

Location of the type plate in Truck Scania 

Above the step on the front passenger side entry

Composition and appearance of the type plates in Truck Scania

4-Series type plate:
P, R, G Scania r580 and T-Series type plate

The following type plates are available on the market:

Description Parts No:
Type plates for vehicles of the 4-Series Scania streamline 1401288
Type plates for vehicles of the P, R, G and T-Series. 1547407



Scania s520
Unused fields are marked in the middle with an ‚X’. Fields 1, 17 and 18 are left blank for local entries.


1 = Euronumber (European vehicle number)
2 = Truck Scania Identification Number (VIN) – compulsory field
3 = Cab type – compulsory field
4 = Cab serial number
5 = Cab type approval number – compulsory field for the Swedish market
6 = Cab colour – compulsory field
7 = Maximum weight
8 = Authorised tow weight (vehicle combination)
9 = Maximum permissible axle load, 1st axle  of Truck Scania
10 = Maximum permissible axle load 2. axle
11 = Maximum permissible axle load, 1st axle  
12 = Maximum permissible axle load, 1st axle  
13 = Truck Scania type – compulsory field    
14 = ADR lettering
15 = Body number – compulsory field    
16 = Colour
17 = Free for supplementary entries
18 = Free for supplementary entries
A = The ‘Maximum legal’ column shows the authorised weight for the market. The weights must be entered. If the authorised weight is exceeded, then it must be indicated in the ‘ Truck Scania -Design’ section. Weight entry fields are compulsory fields in the European Union
B = The ‘Technically Permissible’ column contains the maximum permissible gross weight in relation to the EC brake system, steering, the tyres and the transmission in Truck Scania . The entry must be equal with or higher than the entry in the ‘Maximum Legal’ field.
C = The ‘ truck Scania Design’ column contains the maximum permissible gross weight that Scania has, with respect to the EU, indicated for the transmission, the axles, the springs and the frame.


P, R, G and T-Series

Unused fields are marked in the middle with an ‚X’. Fields 1, 10 and 19 are left blank for supplementary entries.

1 = Euronumber (European vehicle number Scania truck for sale )
2 = Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) – compulsory field
3 = Maximum weight
4 = Authorised tow weight (vehicle combination)
5 = Maximum permissible axle load – 1st axle
6 = Maximum permissible axle load – 2nd axle
7 = Maximum permissible axle load – 3rd axle
8 = Maximum permissible axle load – 4th axle   
9 = Maximum permissible axle load – 5th axle
10 = Maximum vertical weight at the point of connection
11 = Cab type
12 = Cab serial number
13 = Cab type approval number – compulsory field for the Swedish market
14 = Cab colour
15 = Body number
16 = Body colour – compulsory field
17 = ADR lettering
18 = Body type designation – compulsory field
19 = Free for supplementary entries
A = The ‘Maximum legal’ column shows the authorised weight for the market. Weight entry fields are compulsory fields in the European Union
B = The ‘Technically Permissible’ column contains the maximum permissible gross weight in relation to the EC brake system, steering, the tyres and the transmission. The entry must be equal with or higher than the entry in the ‘Maximum Legal’ field.


Truck Scania engine number:

The following cab/engine combinations are available for the P, R, G and T-Series:

Series Engine version
Scania 141 , Scania 164 230, 270, 310, 340, 380, 420
G 230, 270, 310, 340, 380, 420, 440, 470, 480
230, 270, 310, 340, 380, 420, 470, 500, 580
340, 380, 420, 470, 500, 580
4 Series Performance (HP) P, R, G and T-Series Performance (HP)
9 litre 230, 260, 300 9 litre 230, 270, 310
11 litre 340, 380 11 litre 340, 380
12 litre 420, 440, 470 12 litre 420, 420 Euro 4, 470
13 litre 400, 420, 440, 470, 480
14 litre, V8 460, 530
16 litre, V8 480, 580 16 litre, V8 500, 580


Pictures of the engines of the Truck Scania

New 9 litre engine
Old 9 litre engine
11 litre engine
12 litre engine
13 litre engine
14 litre Engine, V8
16 litre Engine, V8.

Location of the engine number in  Truck Scania

The engine number in Truck Scania  is at the front on the right; it is not necessary to remove the engine or any part of the body in order to see it. On 9 litre engines the number is at the back on the right, as seen in the direction of travel. On old 9 litre engines, the number is at the front, as seen in the direction of travel, on top.


The Truck Scania engine number is stamped onto the engine block. On 11, 12, 14 and 16 litre engines, the engine number is on the engine block and also on a metal plate. Entries are made by needle or are stamped on (in capital letters in Hevetica lettering) The letters are at least 5 mm high.

On each engine, the number shows the type of engine, the version and the serial number (see the examples below). Older  Truck Scania engines show the type of engine and then the version in two lines. On new generation engines the type of engine and the version are indicated in one line. The lower line is the serial number. The manufacturer’s name can always be seen.

Example of an old engine number plate DSC 14 13
L 04
Example of an old – stamped – engine number 1234567
Example of a new engine number plate DC12 01 L01


Engine number plate for old 11, 12, 14 and 16 litre engines.
Serial numbers of old 11, 12, 14
and 16 litre engines.
Old 9 litre Truck Scania engine, appearance and VIN location
New 9 litre engine, appearance and VIN location
11, 12, and 13 litre truck Scania engine, appearance and location

11 and 12 litre engine, appearance and VIN location in Truck Scania

Truck Scania gearbox number:

The following types of Truck Scania gearbox are available:
GR801 8-speed quick change
GR900 8+1 quick change
GR900R 8+1 quick change with retarder
GRS890 12-speed quick change with gear reduction
GRS890R 12-speed quick change with gear reduction and retarder
GRS900 12+2-speed quick change with gear reduction
GRS900R 12+2-speed quick change with gear reduction and retarder
GRS920 12+2-speed quick change with gear reduction
GRS920R 12+2-speed quick change with gear reduction Retarder
The following other variants are available for the P, R, G and T- Truck Scania Series:
G670 6+R
GRSO900 12+2-speed quick change with gear reduction and direct drive
GRSO900R 12+2-speed quick change with gear reduction, overdrive and retarder
GRS895 (12+R) 2150 Nm 12-speed
GRS895R (12+R+Ret) 2150 Nm 12-speed and retarder
GR875 (8+R) 1850 Nm 8-speed
GR875R (8+R) 1850 Nm 8-speed and retarder
GR905 (8+C+R) 2200 Nm 8 + 1-speed
GR905R (8+C+R) 2200 Nm 8 + 1-speed and retarder
GRS905 (12+2xC+R) 2700 Nm 12 + 2-speed
GRS905R (12+2xC+R+Ret) 2700 Nm 12 + 2-speed and retarder
GRSO905 Overdrive (12+2xC+R) 3000 Nm 12 + 2-speed including overdrive
GRSO905R Overdrive (12+2xC+R+Ret) 3000 Nm 12 +2-speed including overdrive and retarder
GA765 Automatic (6+R)
GA765R Automatic+retarder (6+R+Ret)
GA766 Automatic (6+R)
GA766R Automatic+retarder (6+R+Ret)
GA866 Automatic (6+R)
GA866R Automatic+retarder (6+R+Ret)
GA867 Automatic (6+R)
GA867R Automatic+retarder (6+R+Ret)


Location of the gearbox number in Truck Scania

The gearbox number in Truck Scania is on a plate either on the upper side or on the left side of the gearbox. It should be possible to see it without having to remove any vehicle parts.
For each gearbox it shows the type, the transmission, the development stage and the serial number. These are presented in one line.

Example: GRS 920R 1234567

New Plate
old Plate
Located on top of the gearbox

Scania truck   on the left, viewed in the direction of travel (near the oil filter)