Mitsubishi VIN Number

Mitsubishi vehicles can be identified from the following numbers:

Mitsubishi VIN Number – in the vehicle stamped/punched
– on the type plate
Mitsubishi Engine Number – on the engine block
Mitsubishi Gearbox Number – on the bell housing

Enquiries about engine numbers and gearbox numbers can only be made through the above-mentioned Mitsubishi Europe headquarters in the Netherlands. It requires a lot of effort, but the Mitsubishi VIN Number can be identified there using these numbers.

Mitsubishi-Motors in Germany can only work out the VIN from the engine number (and vice-versa).

Mitsubishi VIN Number

Mitsubishi VIN Number Location

Mitsubishi VIN Number Location

Letter Model Location
A Colt (until Model 2004)Lancer (until Model 2007)

Lancer Evolution Carisma Model 1996

Carisma Model 1998

Carisma Model 2002 Galant


Space Star

Space Wagon


Pajero Pinin



Located in the engine compartment on the engine compartment bulkhead (partly behind a plastic covering)
B Pajero ClassicPajero Sport


 In the rear right wheel housing, on the side wall of the frame, near the bumper
C Colt Model 2005Colt CZC Cabrio

Lancer from model 2008
Lancer Sportback

In front of the front passenger’s seat, on the metal flooring
D – all RHD+

– Colt (Model 2005)

– Grandis

There is also another visible VIN on a plate at the top left of the dashboard. This can be seen through the windscreen
AOn the engine compartment bulkhead
(partly hidden behind a plastic covering)

Mitsubishi VIN Number Location

BIn the right rear wheel housing, on the frame

Mitsubishi VIN Number Location

CIn front of the front passenger’s seat (slide the seat back to the rear and lift up the carpet flap)

Mitsubishi VIN Number Location

DBehind the right side cladding in the boot

Mitsubishi VIN Number Location

EVisible VIN

Mitsubishi VIN Number Location

Visible VIN:Older vehicles until approx. 2008 are equipped with a visible VIN. The Visible Mitsubishi VIN Number is found on a stamped plate which can be seen beneath the front windscreen on the driver’s side. This is not a substitute for the Mitsubishi VIN Number stamped onto the metalwork.

Newer vehicles for the European market show no more visible number!

Mitsubishi VIN Lettering

The Mitsubishi VIN numbers are stamped or etched on in a straight line. The VIN on all models always has a special symbol at both ends (the Mitsubishi logo, a diamond or a star) . Each model may have a different symbol, but the symbols on the Mitsubishi VIN Number are always the same. All characters on a VIN are the same size and the same distance apart.

Some examples of Mitsubishi VIN numbers:

Mitsubishi Colt VIN number
Colt CZC Cabrio
Mitsubishi Colt CZC Cabrio VIN number
Lancer (until 2007)
Mitsubishi Lancer VIN number
Lancer (from 2008)
Mitsubishi Lancer VIN number
Space Star
Mitsubishi Space Star VIN number
Space Star (from MY 2013)
Mitsubishi Space Star VIN number
Mitsubishi Carisma VIN Number
Mitsubishi Galant VIN Number
Mitsubishi  Grandis VIN number
Mitsubishi  Eclipse VIN number
Pajero Pinin
Mitsubishi  Pajero Pinin VIN number
Mitsubishi  Pajero VIN number
Pajero Sport
Mitsubishi  Pajero Sport VIN number
Pajero new, from 2007
Mitsubishi  Pajero new VIN number
Outlander until 2006
Mitsubishi Outlander VIN number
Outlander from 2007
Mitsubishi Outlander VIN number
Outlander from 2007 (plant in NL), VIN covered with protective foil
Mitsubishi Outlander VIN number
Outlander and PHEV from 2013
Mitsubishi Outlander and PHEV from 2013 VIN number
L 200 old
Mitsubishi L 200 old VIN number
ASX from 2010
Mitsubishi ASX VIN number
Mitsubishi i-MiEV VIN number

Example for abbreviated Mitsubishi VIN

In vehciles destined for the USA market and some, further countries the 17-digit VIN (different composition) can be read on the typ plate and as a visible VIN. However, some manufactures, particulary Japanese manufactures, so also Mitsubishi, placed the Mitsubishi VIN number only in shortened form into the metal.

Pajeero (V7) stamped short-VIN (for the japanese market)

Pajeero (V7) stamped short-VIN (for the japanese market)

The abbreviated VIN in the example shows the model designation “V7”, the engine type “8” and the vehicle type “W” as well as behind the hyphen a filling zero and the serial number.

Mitsubishi VIN Decoder

Mitsubishi Factory Plate

Mitsubishi Factory Plate Location

The Mitsubishi factory plate is normally in the engine compartment, riveted onto the front facing of the bulkhead, in most cases near the Mitsubishi VIN number

Mitsubishi Factory Plate Location Mitsubishi Factory Plate Location Mitsubishi Factory Plate Location

Exceptions: On the Mitsubishi Grandis factory plate is riveted onto the cross member on the right headlight.

Mitsubishi Factory Plate Location

On the 2005 version of the Colt, the Colt CZC and Outlander, the Mitsubishi Factory Plate Location (a sticker) is located on the lower part of the B-pillar, on the front passenger’s side.

Mitsubishi Factory Plate Location Mitsubishi Factory Plate Location

From 2006 the factory plate on the L 200 has been located on the outer face of the scuttle panel in the engine compartment.

Composition and appearance of the Mitsubishi Factory Plate

The Composition and appearance of the Mitsubishi Factory Plate varies depending on which country or works they were produced in and according to the different models.
Metal type plates are riveted onto the bodywork at both ends. The type of rivets used can vary according to which works affixed the plate.

Composition and appearance of the Mitsubishi Factory Plate 
Produced in the Netherlands
(The Born / Netherlands works)
Mitsubishi Factory Plate 
Produced in Thailand
(The Laemchabang / Thailand works)
Mitsubishi Factory Plate 
Produced in Thailand
(The Laemchabang / Thailand works)
Mitsubishi Factory Plate 
Plate produced in Japan
(Mizushima Motor Vehicle Works)
Mitsubishi Factory Plate 
Plate produced in Japan
(IPF, Bajro Plant Pininfarina Factory)
Mitsubishi Factory Plate 
Plate produced in Japan
(Plant of Nagoya Motor Vehicle Works)

Mitsubishi Factory Plate Stickers

models (  the Colt , CZC) have a type plate sticker. This new type plate already contains the information contained in the model code plates,  that vehicles with this kind of type plate no longer need to have an extra model code plate.

Mitsubishi Factory Plate Stickers
An example taken from a Z3 Colt
Mitsubishi Factory Plate Stickers
An example taken from a Z3 Colt CZC Convertible

Mitsubishi Model Code Plate

Mitsubishi Model code plates contain information about a vehicle. The plate is fixed on with rivets.

On some newer vehicles this information is contained on the type plate stickers.   these vehicles do not have a Mitsubishi model code plate.

The information on the Mitsubishi model code sign if leave merely conclusions on the model, the motorisation, color and equipment to. A conclusion on a concrete vehicle (on Vehicle identification number) is not possible.

Example: A type plate containing the information normally shown on a model code plate

Mitsubishi Model Code Plate

Location of the Mitsubishi model code plate

Mitsubishi Model code plates are found in differing locations on different models.

Location of the Mitsubishi model code plate
On most models the model code plate is to be found right next to the type plate
Location of the Mitsubishi model code plate
On the old version Colt, Lancer, Pajero and Outlander the model code plate is riveted onto the underside of the boot. (in the front leftside as on the picture or in the rear rightside)
Location of the Mitsubishi model code plate
On the (new) L 200 the model code plate is riveted onto the engine compartment bulkhead, at the top, on the right, viewed in the direction of travel
Location of the Mitsubishi model code plate
The model code plate is located above the left headlight on the Pajjeroo Sport

What the model code plate looks like and what information it contains

The appearance of a Mitsubishi model code plate varies depending on the country and works in which it was produced. There is n model code plate on the Colt, as it is part of the type plate.


Location of the Mitsubishi model code plate Location of the Mitsubishi model code plate Location of the Mitsubishi model code plate Location of the Mitsubishi model code plate Location of the Mitsubishi model code plate Location of the Mitsubishi model code plate

Example of the Mitsubishi model code plate decoder (there are variations from this scheme on the L 200)

Location of the Mitsubishi model code plate

1 = Model code
2 = Engine type code
3 = Fittings Code
4 = Transmission type code, partly  axle ratio
5 = Colour code
6 = Interior fittings code
7 = (Special) Fittings code

Mitsubishi model codes Decoder
All models except the L200 and Pajjero Classic (V2/V4):

Z3 2 A X N L H L 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 = Model designation (see breakdown of the VIN)
2 = Engine type (see breakdown of the VIN)
3 = Vehicle type (see breakdown of the VIN)
4 = Bodywork type (see breakdown of the VIN) but on the Pajero Sport: G = wide fenders (wings)
5 = Transmission type (see breakdown of the VIN)
6 = Level of fittings
7 = Particular characteristics of the engine
8 = Steering (L= LHD; R = RHD)
9 = Destination (6 or A = Europe)
Between the code for the particular characteristics of the engine (7) and the type of steering (8), some models also have a code for the kind of drive (e.g. ‘Z’ = 4WD on the Outlander until 2006) or for exhaust gas scrubbing (e.g. ‘Q’ = Catalytic converter on the Galant). If these models do not have this peculiarity, then the breakdown follows the pattern outlined above.
The old version L 200:
K6 2 T V J E N D E L 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 = Model designation (see breakdown of the VIN)
2 = Engine type (see breakdown of the VIN)
3 = Vehicle type ‘T’ (load carrier or Pickup)
4 = Vehicle beam, type of rear superstructure:
– If nothing shown = standard beam
– G = wide fenders with rear superstructure
– Y = Single cab without any rear superstructure
– Z = Double cab without any rear superstructure
5 = Bodywork type (see breakdown of the VIN)
6 = Type of rear superstructure:
– If nothing shown = Cab and rear superstructure
– E = Smooth surface and low loader
7 = Transmission type (see breakdown of the VIN)
8 = Level of fittings
9 = Particular characteristics of the engine
10 = Steering (L= LHD; R = RHD)
11 = Destination (6 or A = Europe)
The new L 200 (from 2006):
KB 4 T N J N U Z L 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 = Model designation (see breakdown of the VIN)
2 = Engine type (see breakdown of the VIN)
3 = Vehicle type ‘T’ (load carrier or Pickup)
4 = Vehicle beam
– N = Standard
– G = wide fenders wings
5 = Bodywork type (see breakdown of the VIN)
6 = Transmission type (see breakdown of the VIN)
7 = Level of fittings
8 = Particular characteristics of the engine
9 = Steering (L= LHD; R = RHD)
10 = Destination (6 or A = Europe)
The Pajero Classic (V2/V4):
V4 3 W G H N X E C L 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 = Model designation (see breakdown of the VIN)
2 = Engine type (see breakdown of the VIN)
3 = Vehicle type (see breakdown of the VIN)
4 = Fender types:
– If nothing shown = Standard beam
– G = wide fenders
5 = Roof types:
– If nothing shown = Standard roof
– H = wide fenders
6 = Transmission type (see breakdown of the VIN)
7 = Level of fittings
8 = Particular characteristics of the engine
9 = Seat version
– If nothing shown = Standard seating
– C = No third seat
10 = Steering (L= LHD; R = RHD)
11 = Destination (6 or A = Europe)

Model Outlander Plugin-Hybrid (GG2)

1 = Model designation (see breakdown of the VIN)
2 = Engine type (see breakdown of the VIN)
3 = Vehicle type (see breakdown of the VIN)
4 = Type of car body
5 = Transmission type
6 = Level of fittings/ price range H: Vehicles for Europe (5-seats)
7 = Engine type
8 = Drive system Z: 4WD
9 = Steering (L= LHD; R = RHD)
10 = Country of destination (6 = vehicles for Europe)

Mitsubishi Engine Number

Mitsubishi Engine Number Location

The Mitsubishi engine number is normally stamped onto the cylinder block. The position can vary depending on the type of engine. The images show only some of the engines available.

Mitsubishi Engine Number Location

134 and 135 (3A91 / 4A90 / 4A91)
from the engine plant at Kölleda, Germany
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
OM639 (Mercedes Diesel engine)
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
BSY (VW engine)
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
4D56 in the new L200
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
4D56 on the Pajero
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
4HN engine 2,2/2,4 litre engine PSA
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
The 4B10 engine in the Lancer (Sportback) MY 2008
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
Schematic representation of a 4D56
Mitsubishi Engine Number Location
6G75 on the Pajero new

Appearance of the Mitsubishi Engine Number

The Mitsubishi engine number is stamped punched onto a smooth spot  the engine block,   more recently on some engines it can be needle punched (e.g., the 134/135, the FQ9 , the OM639). and some engines the positioning of the Mitsubishi engine number makes it very difficult to read.


Appearance of the Mitsubishi Engine Number
4G93 engine
Appearance of the Mitsubishi Engine Number
4G69 engine
Appearance of the Mitsubishi Engine Number
4HN engine 2,2/2,4 litre engine PSA
4G18 engine
4G18 engine
4M41 engine
4M41 engine
6A12 engine
6A12 engine
4G15 engine
4G15 engine (The engine type designation is only on a sticker on the side!)
BSY (VW) engine for the Grandis
BSY (VW) engine for the Grandis
F9Q engine
F9Q engine
6G75 engine
6G75 engine
134- and 135- engine (3A91 / 4A90 / 4A91)
134- and 135- engine (3A91 / 4A90 / 4A91)

OM639 (Mercedes) engine for the Colt

OM639 (Mercedes) engine for the Colt

OM639 (Mercedes) engine for the Colt

Mitsubishi Engine number sticker

Mitsubishi Engine number sticker
There is  a sticker with the engine type designation in the engine compartment/on the underside of the bonnet   attached directly to the engine.
Mitsubishi Engine number sticker
An example in the engine compartment in mitsubishi : 4D56 engine
The additional number MD338959 (see image) is merely a parts number. These normally begin with the letter ‘M’. This number cannot be used for identifying a vehicle.
Mitsubishi Engine number sticker
An example on the engine itself: 4G15 engine
The additional engine specifications shown on the sticker cannot be used for identification purposes.
Mitsubishi Engine number sticker
Example of a sticker on the underside of a bonnet: BSY engine in the Outlander from MY 2007 and the Lancer (Sportback) from MY 2008

Mitsubishi Engine Number Decoder

On engines manufactured by Mitsubishi itself the engine number decoder as follows:

4G93 HJ4653
1 2
1 = Engine type: (see breakdown of the VIN)
(the first figure stands for the number of cylinders)
2 = consecutive alphanumeric engine number (Normally. 2 letters and 4 digits)

The breakdown of the Mercedes OM 639 Diesel engines and the 134 and 135 engines made in the Kölleda plant (3A91 / 4A90 / 4A91) corresponds to the breakdown of the corresponding Smart engines (See the Smart file under 3.2).

The breakdown of the BSY engine corresponds to the breakdown of VW engine numbers.

Mitsubishi Gearbox number

Mitsubishi Gearbox number Location

The Mitsubishi gearbox number is stamped onto the bell housing or the gearbox housing. There is often also a sticker on the gearbox.

On Mitsubishi gearboxes produced by the subcontractor Aisin-Warner Ltd the gearbox number is on a metal plate riveted onto the gearbox housing.

Examples showing the location and appearance of the gearbox number:

F4A33 gearbox
F4A33 gearbox
Close-up view of the F4A33
Close-up view of the F4A33
F5M21 gearbox
F5M21 gearbox
Close-up view of the F5M21
Close-up view of the F5M21
W5M42 gearbox
W5M42 gearbox
Close-up view of the W5M42
Close-up view of the W5M42
An Aisin-Warner Ltd gearbox
An Aisin-Warner Ltd gearbox
A close-up view of an Aisin-Warner Gearbox
A close-up view of an Aisin-Warner Gearbox
(The number has a different breakdown)

5.2 Breakdown of the gearbox number

An example using a gearbox produced by Mitsubishi itself:

F 5 M 2 1 1VRAE AB1234
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The Mitsubishi gearbox number comprises the transmission code (Numbers 1-4) and the serial number (5-7):

1 Impulse kind F = Front-wheel drive
R = Rear-wheel drive
W = AWD (Default FWD)
V = AWD (Base rear-wheel drive)
2 Number of gears 3 = 3-speed
4 = 4-speed
5 = 5-speed
6 = 6-speed
3 Type of transmission A = Automatic
M = Manual
MR = Manual (Renault)
MV = Manual (Volvo)
MG = Manual (Getrag)
4 Development code If it is a number = a transmission developed by MMC itself
If it is a letter = an Aisin-Warner product
5 Version 1 = first version
2 = second version
A / B = more recent versions
6  specifications various combinations possible
7 Gearbox serial number Normally 2 letters and 4 digits

Attribution of gearboxes to individual models
(Table not exhaustive)

Gearbox code Used on Old gearbox code
F3A21 Colt/Lancer Tedia/Cordia/Space Wagon KM170
F4A22 Colt / Lancer / Galant / Sapporo / Space Runner + Space Wagon from 1992 / Santamo KM175/176
F4A33 Sigma


Carisma / Colt and Lancer from 1996 / Galant from 1997 / Space Wagon and Space Runner from 1998 / Space Star from 2001 / Grandis
F4A4B Grandis


Various models from 1987,  Lancer (E45) KM200
F5MR-Series Carisma / Space Star MPI
F5M4-Series Colt and Lancer from 1996, Grandis, Space Wagon
F5M4-Series Lancer / Lancer Sportback from MY 2008
F1CJA-Series (CVT) Lancer / Lancer Sportback from MY 2008
F5MV-Series Carisma / Space Star DI-D
F5MGA/B Colt Z3
F6MBA Grandis
R5M2-Series Various models from 1990, L200 (P27/ 37/ 47) KM130
R5MB1 L200 (KA4T)
R4A5A L200 (CR27)
R4AW2-5 Space Gear, L200 (P27/ 37/ 47)
W5M3-Serie Various models from 1990, Lancer KM220/221
W5MG1W6MG1 Getrag gearbox for the 3000 GT
W5M42 Space Wagon N5 / Outlander
W6MBA Outlander, Lancer / Lancer Sportback MY 2008
V4AW2  PaAjero V6 /  PaEjero Diesel / Galloper KM148
V4AW3  PaJjero V6 3,5 litre /  PajeRro Diesel 2,8 litre
V4AW4  PajEero Pinin
V4A51  PajerOo Sport
V4A5A L200 (CR27/ CR47)
V5A51  PajeEro from 2000
V5A5A  PajerOo from 2007 (V80 / V90) / L200 (CR27/ CR47)
V5M2-Serie Various models from 1990 KM140
V5MB1 L200 (CR27/ CR47)
V5MT1-Series Various models from 1990, L200 (P27/ 37/ 47),  PaAjero from 2007 (V80 / V90)
V5M3-Series Various models from 1990, the PaJjero from 2007 (V80 / V90)

According to the German general importer,mitsubishi is only possible to identify the VIN by means of the gearbox number through the European headquarters.

Mitsubishi Radio Number

Original Mitsubishi radios, CD changers and navigation apparatus have individual numbers.  These are put directly onto the housings are   present on stickers on the housings.
These individual numbers are not registered at Mitsubishi and  cannot be used for identifying a particular VIN number. There are no individual numbers electronically encoded in Mitsubishi radios and navigation apparatus.