Decode Hummer H1 VIN

The Hummer H1 VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is a 17-digit code that is unique to each vehicle. It provides information about the vehicle’s make, model, production year, engine type, and other important details. Here is how to decode the Hummer H1 VIN:

  1. Locate the VIN: The Hummer H1 VIN can be found in several locations on the vehicle, including the driver’s side dashboard, driver’s side door jamb, and engine block.
  2. Identify the first three characters: The first three characters of the Hummer H1 VIN identify the vehicle’s manufacturer and country of origin. For Hummer vehicles, the first three characters are usually “5GR” for General Motors Corporation.
  3. Decode characters four to eight: Characters four to eight of the Hummer H1 VIN provide information about the vehicle’s model, body style, and engine type. For example, “HM4HD” may indicate a Hummer H1 Wagon with a 6.5L V8 diesel engine.
  4. Identify character nine: Character nine of the Hummer H1 VIN is a check digit that is used to verify the authenticity of the VIN.
  5. Decode characters 10 and 11: Characters 10 and 11 of the Hummer H1 VIN indicate the model year of the vehicle. For example, “2” may indicate a 2002 model year.
  6. Decode characters 12 to 17: Characters 12 to 17 of the Hummer H1 VIN provide a unique identifier for the vehicle, which is used to distinguish it from other vehicles of the same make and model.

Characteristics H1

The H1 was not produced at General Motors but at AM General. The vehicle is based on the version designed for the military, the so-called HUMMWV (High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle) – launched in 1985. The civilian version followed in 1992. According to an agreement between the U.S. army and the manufacturer, the HUMMWV must not be privately owned. However, some of the vehicles got into private hands.
Officially, the H1 was not imported to Germany. As there is only very little information available, EuVID only refers to the composition of the VIN. It is not known whether a 17-digit VIN was punched into the vehicle at the factory.
1 Country of manufacture 1 USA
2 Company/Manufacturer 3 AM General Corporation
3 Vehicle type 7 Commercial vehicle










D 5,7 litre (L05) Gasoline GM-8CYL
L 5,7 litre (L05) Leaded Gasoline GM-8CYL
W 350 Cubic in gas-LTI-GM-8CYL
X 6,2 litre Diesel –GM-8CYL
Y 6.2 liter diesel – GM-8CYL, natural intake
Z 6.2 liter diesel – GM-8CYL, turbo charger



Transmission / Gearbox A 4 speed, automatic – GM – 4L80E
E 3 speed, automatic/LHD – GM – 3L80E






6 and 7







Truck Serie

82 VLC2 – Truck – 2 doors
83 HMC4 – Truck – 4 doors
84 HMCS – Truck-Station Wagon
85 VLCO – truck – open top
86 HMCF – – Truck – 2 doors (fleet/industrial)
87 HMR2 – Truck – 2 doors new model
88 HMRO – Truck – open top new model
89 XLC2 – Truck – 2 doors „Convertible“
90 HMRO – truck – open top, with heavy doors
91 HMSB – truck – slant back
8 Maximum weight 3 10,001 – 14,000 Pfund (2277 – 3095 kg)
9 Check digit 0 to 9 or X  















Model Yeat

N 1992
P 1993
R 1994
S 1995
T 1996
V 1997
W 1998
X 1999
Y 2000
1 2001
2 2002
3 2003
11 Place of manufacture E Mishawaka
U Livonia
12 – 17 Serial number

It is important to note that decoding the Hummer H1 VIN may vary depending on the model year and other factors. Always double-check the information provided by the VIN with the vehicle’s documentation and history to ensure accuracy.