1.3.5  Atego / Axor / Actros

WDB 972022 1 K 123456
1 2 3 4 5
1        World Manufacturer Identifier Code (WMI)
WDB = Mercedes Benz Germany
WDF = Mercedes Benz Germany from 01.01.05 for vehicles with manufacturer identity letter A / B / C / E
2   Construction pattern
Atego light (type / class 97)
Atego heavy and Actros (type / class 95) from 18t.
Actros (type / class 93)
Axor (type 944 and 950)
Construction patterns numbers Econic (type / class 957)
3   Steering
1 = LHD
2 = RHD
4   Assembly Plant
A = Buenos Aires
B = Aksaray
C = Aksaray
E = Buenos Aires
K = Wörth
L = Wörth
M = Wörth
5        Vehicle end number