Breakdown of the engine number on the V8 (old) and the Lagonda

Example 1 V / 5 80 / 3 245  
Example 2 V / 5 80 / 2 723 / SA
Example 3 V / 5 85 / 3 001 / LFA
  1 2 3 4 5 6
1  =   Kind of engine
V = V8 engine
2    =   Engine type
5 = 5.34 litre V8
3   =   Engine specification
80 = Carburettor (introduced in 1980)
85 = Electronic injection (introduced in 1985)
4 =  Model
3 = Lagonda
2 = V8 Coupe
5 = V8 Volante
5   =   5 = Serial number
Identical with the serial number on the VIN
8   =   Engine performance and gearbox
SA = Standard engine with automatic transmission
VA = Vantage engine (high-performance) with automatic transmission
XA = Vantage engine (extra high-performance) with automatic transmission
LFM = Lead Free (engine designed for lead-free petrol, US specification) with manual transmission
LFA = Lead Free (engine designed for lead-free petrol, US specification) with automatic transmission